# Donation to homeless charities

At TEAM V, we believe in making a positive impact beyond our business. Each month, we dedicate a percentage of our profits to support homeless shelters, cancer hospitals, and other charitable causes. This commitment reflects our values and our desire to contribute to the well-being of our communities. "Referance": TEAM V and Our Associates .

Based on this table you can see how we adjust that percentage at TEAM V only features.

  Area Description Bouns 5% +Bouns
TEAM V business strategies and services 0.5 * X2
TEAM V Application Business applications 0.5 * X2
Upgrades Service Upgrades 0.5 * X2
HSTN Servers
* per domain name
Web hosting and related services 0.5 * X2
Applications Various earning applications 0.5 * X2
NEW Commercial Commercial use
Open source use Affilates Fee

# Questions & Answers

  1. What percentage of profits does TEAM V donate to charity each month??
  2. How is the donation percentage adjusted for TEAM V features?
  3. What are the new areas added to the revenue calculation table?
  4. How does TEAM V ensure their charitable contributions align with their values??

# 1. What percentage of profits does TEAM V donate to charity each month?

Answer: TEAM V donates a percentage of our profits each month to support homeless shelters, cancer hospitals, and other charitable causes. The specific percentage is adjusted based on the revenue and bonus calculations outlined in our tables.

# 2. How is the donation percentage adjusted for TEAM V features?

Answer: For TEAM V features, the donation percentage "varys" on the company condition and its is adjusted by adding a bonus. For example , the amount donated is calculated as 5% of the revenue plus 0.5 times the bonus amount. For example, if the revenue is X2 and the bonus is X1, the donation amount is 0.05 * X2 + 0.5 * X1.

# 3. What are the new areas added to the revenue calculation table?

Answer: The new areas added are:

Commercial use: X1

Open source use (Affiliates Fee): X2

These areas are listed separately from the main TEAM V features and do not currently have a specified donation percentage adjustment.

# 4. How does TEAM V ensure their charitable contributions align with their values?

Answer: TEAM V ensures our charitable contributions align with our values by dedicating a portion of our monthly profits to support causes such as homeless shelters and cancer hospitals. This commitment reflects our belief in making a positive impact beyond our business operations and contributes to the well-being of our communities.

# We have other license requirements, are there other options?

Yes, the TEAM V licensing is very flexible and custom licensing is possible. Please send an email to teamv.hstn.me with your requirements.